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Wing Commander

Game information

Also known as: Wing Commander: The 3-D Space Combat Simulator (tag-lined title), Wing Commander: Der 3D-Raumkampf-Simulator (German title), Squadron (working title), Wingleader (working title)
Developer: Origin Systems
Publisher: Origin Systems
More details:MobyGames, Wikipedia
Related games: Wing Commander, Spacecraft simulation

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  • includes installer
  • executable: INSTALL.EXE

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Wing Commander 1+2: €2.19 (-€3.30)

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Game description

"Wingleader One! Wingleader One! Bogies all around! Can't shake 'em!"
"Hold on, Hunter, I'm on my way!..."

You're a starfighter pilot, the best of the best, but nothing in your training prepared you for action this hot. Deepspace dogfights against Kilrathi aces are deadly, and the future of humanity is on the line each time you fly!

Wing Commander puts you in the middle of the most intense starship action you've ever experienced outside of a movie theater. But in Wing Commander, you're the star!
Experience ORIGIN's amazing new state-of-the-art computer graphics and sound system.
Marvel at the detailed, ray-traced, bit-mapped images in ORIGIN's cutting-edge 3-D technology.
Thrill to the dynamic soundtrack that senses the action on-screen and alters the pacing, tempo, and mood of the music to match.
Advance in rank while piloting one of four unique Terran spacefighters against a deadly array of enemy ships.
See the action from all angles using Wing Commander's player-controlled camera.
Count on your wingman, a skilled pilot, thanks to the advanced Wing Commander artificial intelligence system, but don't get too cocky: The enemy flies intelligently too!
Play individual missions for fun or join in an elaborate campaign designed to test your reflexes and strategic skills.

Description by Origin Systems

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Game screenshots

Game video by Ancient DOS Games