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Robomaze III

Game information

Also known as: Robomaze III: The Dome (shareware title)
Developer: Wetware
Publisher: MVP Software
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Liberated (former commercial), Action-adventure, The Legend of Zelda like

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Game description

Robomaze III is an overhead view game that combines action, arcade and adventure elements. The main character is a robotic freedom fighter set out to defeat an evil dictator in a post-apocalyptic setting that is more like a medieval fantasy world than pure science fiction.

The game takes some obvious cues from the cult classic NES game, The Legend of Zelda, even down to getting your first weapon from an old man in a cave. The game world is split into static screens that the player can transition between, and each screen quickly becomes crawling with enemies. The player character can take several hits and might get healing potions from fallen enemies. The objective is to explore the world, obtain more weapons, gear and keys to unlock places, and finally get the dictator.

Robomaze III was originally sold as shareware, with the unregistered version containing just the first episode, The Dome. Registered users would get the second and final episode called The Final Journey, as well as the previously unreleased first Robomaze game (apparently, the series' publication history starts with Robomaze II). Eventually, publisher MVP Software made the registered game available as a free download from their website.

Description by MrFlibble

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