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Night Flight To Baghdad

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Game description

Night Flight To Baghdad is a single-scenario combat flight simulator created with Domark Software's Flight Sim Toolkit. Set during the Gulf War, it tasks the player with flying a Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter from a Saudi airbase into Baghdad to take out the Iraqi Intelligence HQ.

The player's craft can be armed either with cluster bombs or air-to-ground missiles, so there will be no dogfighting, and completing the mission will indeed very much rely on stealth, including flying at low altitudes. After a mostly uneventful flight through a featureless desert, the player is treated to a spectacular sprawling night city, something not seen in every flight sim indeed (Night Flight was praised for this in the FST community). The game also includes an optional non-combat "daytime tour" of Baghdad, with the player flying around in a jetpack-equipped spacesuit, although the city looks somewhat less spectacular at daytime.

Author Forest Pearson released Night Flight To Baghdad as "postcard-ware" requesting to mail him a postcard to register the game, but otherwise asked for no charges and allowed other users to even build more scenarios for it and/or otherwise mod and expand it.

Description by MrFlibble

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