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Mister Kid

Game information

Also known as: MisterKid (alternate spelling)
Developer: Thunder Software
More details:Official game website
Related games: Clone, Super Mario Bros. like, QuickBASIC, Classic, Hop and Bop platformer, Self-published

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Press Alt to jump, arrow keys to move.

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Game description

Mister Kid is a side-scrolling arcade platform game that takes obvious cues from Super Mario Bros., but is not an exact replica of it. The main character jumps and runs just like Mario, and can hop on top the enemies to defeat them. However, here the objective of each level is simply to reach the exit before the time runs out, while splatting monsters and picking coins are simply optional ways to increase score. Equally, there are no powerups that would give the player special abilities such as a ranged attack or the power to break blocks.

Mister Kid was written in QuickBasic.

Description by MrFlibble

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