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Game information

Also known as: Murder Death Kill (development title)
Developer: Shiny Entertainment
Publisher: Playmates Interactive Entertainment, Interplay Productions
More details:Official game website, MobyGames, Wikipedia
Related games: DOS & Windows, 3dfx

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  • Patch
  • Windows
  • 268 kB (0.26 MB)

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Game title Store
MDK: €7.99 (-€2.00)


NOTE: This game has a native Windows version. The demo includes both DOS and Windows executables. Make sure to update the demo with the Direct3D patch (

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Game description

MDK completely redefines and sets the new standard for the action PC gaming experience! Unlike any PC CD-ROM title currently on the market, MDK combines the elements of stealth, ambush, program intelligence, stunning futuristic graphics and a wide open playing environment never before seen.

One of the largest playing environments ever created where the action is no longer limited to cramped tunnels and dark corridors!

Over 50 arenas of play spread out over 5 different mobile mining cities offering over 40 hours of game play.

Extremely fluid and uninterrupted gameplay as you explore everything from the tallest city rooftops to the darkest city streets.

Description by Interplay Productions

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