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Kung Fu Louie

Game information

Also known as: Kung Fu Louie Vs. The Martial Art Posse (full title)
Developer: Elite Software
Publisher: Elite Software
More details:MobyGames
Related games: Beat 'em up/brawler

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Press < and > to move backward/forward, A to punch, S, D or F to kick. Ctrl + Q to quit the game. P to pause.

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Game description

Kung Fu Louie Vs. The Martial Art Posse is a fixed-screen beat-'em-up rather similar to Brøderbund Software's Karateka. You control Louie, a champion in Japanese martial arts, on his quest too save his old master from a gang of streetfighting thugs.

Each level is a single screen where Louie must face several increasingly more difficult opponents. The fighting moves include a punch and three types of kicks. Successful hits deplete the opponents' energy bars, but the energy slowly regenerates, so it's a good idea to be on the offensive.

Description by MrFlibble

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