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Zelda Classic

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Game description

Zelda Classic is a fan-made PC conversion of the Nintendo hit, The Legend of Zelda. For the most part, it stays very true to the NES original, and also supports user-made quests in addition to the original game storyline.

The player controls Link, a young hero tasked with finding pieces of artifact known as the Triforce of Wisdom, in order to save Princess Zelda from the bad guy Gannon. The game world, presented in an overhead view, is split into screens, each presenting a challenge with various monsters lurking about. Link can throw his sword for ranged damage, but only when he is at full health. Movement and combat occur in real time, lending the game an arade-ey feel.

Zelda Classic is freeware, and the source code of the more recent versions (which no longer support DOS) is also available to the public.

Description by MrFlibble

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