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VERITECH: Variable Flight Simulator

Game information

Developer: RYLO Software
More details:MobyGames
Related games: Flight Sim Toolkit, Fangame, Self-published

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Game description

This is a fan-made sci-fi simulation game set in the universe of the Japanese anime series Macross. The simulation part was made with Domark Software's Flight Sim Toolkit. As a pilot in the U.N. Spacy military, the player controls a Valkyrie fighter/mecha craft on a series of missions. The Valkyrie can transform from a ground-based humongous mecha walker into a fighter jet that resembles a real-life F-14 Tomcat.

Veritech includes a total of four scenarios, of which the first one is a training mission. The developers apparently intended to have more levels, possibly selling them as shareware, but these plans never materialised.

Description by MrFlibble

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