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The Legend of Lezda: The Adventure of Jinx

Game information

Developer: HPC Gameshop
Related games: The Legend of Zelda like, Self-published

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The game is controlled by the mouse. To bypass the developer logo and other screens, click the left mouse button. To start a new game, select the respective menu item and click both mouse buttons simultaneously. The keyboard controls are:
Left Shift - open menu
Left Ctrl - pick up/drop item
Left Alt - make funny faces (you're a jester after all)

In DOSBox, to configure sound in the main menu, select DMA 1 and IRQ 7h.

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Game description

The Legend of Lezda is a top-down view fantasy action-adventure game that is obviously inspired by the NES classic Legend of Zelda. Unlike what you might think judging by the title, this is neither a spoof nor a direct clone, but rather an original game with its own mechanics.

The player controls Jinx, a jester in the land of Lorule, who sets out to free the realm from the evil Coven of wizards. On his quest, Jinx is joined by Lezda, a girl with magical powers who helps and advises him. Similar to Zelda, the game world is split into interconnected areas that may be populated by friendly NPCs or monsters, or contain useful items or other points of interest.

The Legend of Lezda was released as freeware, with the author Aaron Bishop accepting voluntary donations. He also proposed an Adware model where ads from sponsors would be shown during transition between game screens, but this scheme appears to have never taken off.

Description by MrFlibble

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