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Game information

Developer: Peninsula Gameworks
Publisher: Velocity Inc.
Category:First-Person Shooter
More details:MobyGames, Wikipedia
Related games: Tank

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Game description

Spectre is an early true 3D first-person shooter game where you drive a tank in a "cyberspace" environment as it was conceived of in the late 80s - early 90s under such influences as the movie Tron. In the single-player mode, the objective is to collect all flags in each level while avoiding or destroying AI-controlled tanks. Network play offers three modes: Arena is free-for-all deathmatch, Flag Rally is capture the flag, and Base Raid is two teams agaist one another.

The demo of Spectre only includes one single-player level. The game was later updated and re-released as Spectre-VR.

Description by MrFlibble

Game screenshots

Game video by Ancient DOS Games