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Game information

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File Details
  • executable: PROJECTX.EXE


1. Unpack the contents of into a directory DOSBox will recognize.
2. Start DOSBox, navigate to the pxdemo folder and type px s to start the demo with SoundBlaster sounds.

NOTE: You need to turn off aspect correction in DOSBox (set aspect=false in the DOSBox configuration file) in order to get proper dimensions for the game screen.

For basic instructions on how to set up and use DOSBox, please refer to this guide.

The demo includes the first level from the full game.

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Game screenshots

Game description

Project-X is a typical side-scrolling shooter where you need to blast incoming ships, collect powerups and navigate obstacles such as asteroids.

The plot concerns a distant planet Ryxx where defective military droids built by humans were dumped. The droids have become hostile, and the player's mission is to completely eradicate the droid army.

Description by MrFlibble

Game screenshots