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Project Paradise

Game information

Developer: Soft Enterprises
Publisher: Ikarion Software
More details:MobyGames

Play DOS game online

You can play Project Paradise on this website so you don't need to download and install the game on your computer. We recommend to use Google Chrome when playing DOS games online.

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File Details
  • executable: PPDEM.BAT
  • configured for DOSBox


To avoid screen flicker in the high-resolution mode, set DOSBox to vesa_oldvbe instead of svga_s3.

NOTE: The demo might take a while to load in the browser, please be patient, or download it and run in your copy of DOSBox.

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Game screenshots

Game description

Project Paradise is a top-down shooter in a dystopian sci-fi/fantasy setting. The plot is rather vague but you can switch between up to three characters: the Warrior, the Mage and the Hacker, each with their own distinct set of weapons, abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Otherwise gameplay can be compared to most shooters: fight enemies, collect ammo, useful items and keycards to progress further.

The demo includes one level out of 14 in the full game.

Description by MrFlibble

Game screenshots