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Game description

Oo-Topos is a sci-fi illustrated interactive fiction (text adventure) game. It was originally a text-only game by Michael Berlyn, which was later updated by Polarware to the Comprehend engine and supplied with art to illustrate the scenes.

The player character is a pilot whose ship was carrying important cargo but crash-landed on an alien planet, with the pilot captured by aliens. Now you need to free yourself and go back to your original mission. The game plays like any other adventure titles of this kind: you type in commands to move around and interact with the environment, and usually have to solve various puzzles to progress further. Although certainly old-fashioned, this game might serve for a good pastime, and the art is quite nice, even in the limited CGA palette.

Oo-Topos was originally sold commercially, but after Polarware was bought by Merit Software, the developers reacquired the rights and released it as freeware along with their other titles using the same interpreter called Comprehend.

Description by MrFlibble

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