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Game information

Developer: Cheesy Software
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Clone, Re-released, Self-published

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Game description

Megapede'95 is an improved version of Cheesy Software's Megapede, an unofficial remake/spoof of the classic arcade title Centipede.

The player uses a mouse to control the ship at the bottom of the screen that needs to shoot at the centipede which descends from the top, along with other hostile creatures like spiders and bees. As segments of the centipede are destroyed by the player's fire, it breaks down into smaller centipedes that descend even faster. The resulting frantic action is accompanied by silly (but far from bad) sound effects, and the graphics are pretty nice too.

Megapede'95 was released as freeware.

Description by MrFlibble

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