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Lords of the Realm II

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File Details
  • Patch
  • MS-DOS
  • 1,016 kB (0.99 MB)

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Game title Store
Lords of the Realm: Royal Edition: €5.49


NOTE: The demo of the game is for Windows but comes with a DOS installer. The full game has a pure DOS version and a Windows version.

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Game screenshots

Game description

This sequel to the immensely popular Lords of the Realm propels players into epic conflicts and the intrepid life of thirteenth century England. Life was harsh then, peace was rare and combat was brutal.

On your way to becoming King you'll build weapons, construct castles, and raise armies to conquer thy neighboring realms before they conquer you. Defeat them all and the throne of England is yours!

Description by Sierra Entertainment

Game screenshots

Game video by Ancient DOS Games