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Escape from Ragor

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Game description

Escape from Ragor is a first-person grid-based fantasy role-playing game. The player controls an adventurer who is trapped in Castle Ragor, which is ruled by an apparently evil person or being called Megrim. The mazelike castle is full of traps, guards and hostile creatures, but the player is helped by a mysterious woman, and also finds useful items, supplies and spells hidden on the various floors of the castle.

This is a more or less typical dungeon crawler, but you only control one character (male or female, selectable at the start but not affecting any of the player stats in a significant way, as it seems). The game presents almost no background story, and the plot itself is very scant compared to the more mainstream RPGs where you will have quests and NPCs to talk to.

Combat flows in real time and amounts to mashing the attack button (all controls are via the mouse here) as fast as possible. You start with a dagger, but very soon will be able to find a magic spell, and the developers themselves admit that non-magical weapons are near useless in this game. The character can rest to regain health and magic points, but this can be only done in a safe place with no enemies nearby, and when the character is not hungry or thirsty.

Escape from Ragor is entirely in German and has apparently never seen a release outside of Germany. Some degree of understanding of the language is desirable, since there are various helpful hints scattered around the levels. However, much of the game can be figured out by trial and error instead. Make sure that you check the automap often, as it not only helps to find your way around the mazelike levels, but will also show hidden passages and switches, which are marked as red crosses on the map.

The game was originally sold as shareware, but now the full version, which contains 14 levels, is available from the developer's website. Much of the art in Escape from Ragor seems to have been "borrowed" from contemporary commercial titles, including games developed by Westwood Studios.

Description by MrFlibble

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