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Chain Reaction

Game information

Developer: Tomasz Pytel
Publisher: Webfoot Technologies
More details:Official game website, MobyGames
Related games: Clone, Classic, Columns like

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Game description

Rotate and move the falling nuclear particles to align three or more in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. When three or more pieces line up, they will 'explode' and disappear. As pieces fall and create explosions of their own, a 'chain reaction' occurs and bonus points are awarded. When each new level is reached, the particles will fall a faster and faster!

VERY ADDICTING. Great 'plasma' animations and incredible soundtrack. Great for one-player or two SIMULTANEOUS players! Setup options allows you to choose from a jukebox of incredible music and select different artwork for the nuclear particles.

Description by Webfoot Technologies

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