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Blam! Machinehead

Game information


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You can play Blam! Machinehead on this website so you don't need to download and install the game on your computer. We recommend to use Google Chrome when playing DOS games online.

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  • MS-DOS
  • 33,102 kB (32.33 MB)


You can configure game controls to the modern WASD + Mouse look layout in the options menu.

If the demo runs too slowly for you in the browser, please consider downloading it and running in your local copy of DOSBox.

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Game description

In this fully 3D rendered first-person shooter, you take on the role of Dr. Kimberly Stride piloting an armed hovercraft called the Vorpal Blade in a dystopian future world taken over by a man-made nanotech plague.

Various dangerous mutated creatures stand in your way, and to complicate matters further, if the Vorpal Blade takes heavy damage it will start a countdown to self-dectruct, which may only be stopped if you recover more energy. To combat the odds, an arsenal of powerful weapons stands at your disposal, including missiles, flame throwers, grenades and hi-tech energy weapons.

Description by MrFlibble

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