Game information
Developer: | Tien Khoa Nguyen |
Category: | Arcade |
Year: | 2014 |
Related games: | Clone, Open source, Breakout/Arkanoid like, Classic |
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Use the J and L keys to move the paddle to the left/right.
NOTE: The game should be run with DOSBox CPU cycles set to about 3000 (the default setting), otherwise it will be too fast.
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Game description
ArkanDOS is a game inspired by the original Arkanoid and Brix. It is written in Borland Turbo C 2.01. Includes source code and a native Windows port.
Description by MrFlibble
Pressing K fires a missile.
Pressing D launches a second ball on the screen which moves on its own.
Description by Tien Khoa Nguyen
Game screenshots