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About Activision

Snapshot of a Leader: Activision
Interactive Multimedia Entertainment Publisher
As one of the industry's first independent, third-party software developers (for Atari, Nintendo and Sega), Activision survived the interactive video industry's initial rise and fall. The company not only survived, but resurfaced with an enviable line-up of titles with tremendous brand equity, including the Infocom line-up of 31 text adventures and the Pitfall, Kaboom and River Raid series of action games.

Activision Yesterday
Only a year after opening its doors in 1979, Activision launched a series of multi-million selling Atari titles: the Pitfall series, Kaboom! and River Raid. In 1983, Activision completed a successful public offering and established a European beachhead (located in the U.K.) to address growing international interest. During the same period, Infocom (now an Activision label), the popular publisher and owner of text adventures, published its first title in the Zork series of adventures. Zork ultimately became the best-selling adventure series of all time with five sequels and two spin-offs.

Activision Today
Activision is a diversified international developer and publisher of interactive multimedia entertainment software dedicated to delivering the highest levels of entertainment, production values and technological sophistication. Activision maintains complete platform independence in order to pursue production for current or upcoming video games, computer and multimedia platforms. Products targeted at adults, teens and children as well as Activision's commitment to platform independence, insure virtually limitless market opportunities today and in the future.

The Hollywood Commitment
Recognizing the direction in which interactive entertainment production was headed, Activision left its long-time home in Menlo Park, California in 1991 to relocate to Los Angeles, the film industry's base of creative and production talent. Activision's commitment to Hollywood involves the finest talent for writing scripts, game concepts, musical scores and for providing recognized acting talent, actors and Academy Award-winning animators and sound effects specialists. Original intellectual properties, traditionally reserved for feature films, television and print, became an integral part of Activision's development mission. The result: innovative interactive entertainment.

Description by Activision

Games developed by Activision (3)

Games published by Activision (8)

Game descriptions by Activision (3)

Contact descriptions by Activision (1)


Game screenshots by Activision (3)