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Xerix II: The Caverns of Mars

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Game description

Xerix II: The Caverns of Mars is a side-scrolling shoot-'em-up for one or two players with very basic graphics, basic AI, repetitive gameplay and modtracker music. It continues the story of the original Xerix, where the main character has defeated the alien menace, but now the enemy has built a base in the underground caverns of Mars and launches attacks on the Earth from there.

The player's ship flies from the left side of the screen to the right while being assaulted by waves of enemies, mostly comprising simple geometrical shapes with little or no detail. The levels alternate between showing the ship from the above or from the side, which, however, has no effect on gameplay. Some enemies drop bonus pickups, the most precious of which are blue pellets that upgrade the player ship's weapon.

Xerix II was originally sold as shareware, with the unregistered version including the first six levels, or exactly one half of the full game. Eventually, author Brendan Reville made Xerix II freeware, so you can disregard the warning messages in the registered version, which was not updated in any way to reflect the game's new status. Originally, users could separately order the source code of the game for what now seems an exorbitant price of AU$89; this offer seems to be discontinued, and the source code was not made freely available.

Description by MrFlibble

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