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Orion Odyssey

Game information

Developer: Billy Dalrymple
More details:MobyGames
Related games: Self-published

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Game description

Orion Odyssey is a side-scrolling platform game where you control a character with a gun and a jetpack, like in Drake Snake and the Secret Crypt or Alien Carnage. The story takes place in the Orion Constellation where an evil overlord took possession of the magic Ankh -- a powerful artifact that may grant its owner control of the universe. The main character, Wally, must retrieve the Ankh before its powers are unlocked.

There are eight worlds in the game, between which the player travels using teleporters. However, only one world is available in the shareware version.

The player has limited resources: ammo, oxygen, jetpack fuel and gold (yes, gold) to purchase additions supplies. These maybe found throughout the levels. Combat and action are a bit sluggish in this game, as you need to utilise your jetpack to aim at enemies, many of whom can fly too.

Description by MrFlibble

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